A fantastic, simple recipe that lets the flavor and texture of premium all-natural chicken (or pheasant or quail) really shine! Stuffed with fresh herbs and simply seared with butter and Black Truffle olive oil, we...
Offering a flavor of Black Truffle Oil – Profine Food Stores and texture just like the vertical rotisserie method used in Greek-American restaurants, lamb and beef come together alongside a delicious blend of Mediterranean spices...
Premium White Truffle Oil 250ml / 100ml Bottle White Truffle Oil Craft an inspired and ingredient-forward dish with Profine Food Stores . Made with a blend of fresh organic Southern France white truffle mushrooms and premium extra virgin olive oil from New...
French Onion Soup With Black Truffle Oil
Ingredients How To Cook : Working from the neck opening with your fingers, gently pry chicken skin away from as much of the breast and legs as you can without tearing it. Slip truffle slices...
Ingredients 300 grams macaroni pasta 60 grams panko bread crumbs 70 grams parmesan 4 tbs olive oil 2 cubes vegetable stock 150g cheddar cheese 1 tbs chives, fresh, chopped 400g creme fraiche 2 tbs Black truffle oil – Profine food store 30 gr Black...
French fries coated in white truffle oil – Profine Food Stores and Parmesan cheese are simply heavenly! Ingredients
The simple black truffle pasta is a perfect way to showcase an exceptional ingredient. This is a perfect recipe for a fancy dinner at home. Ingredients Instructions